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Fast Fashion - Fast Fashion is the current “conventional” way of manufacturing and producing clothing and accessories. It prioritizes impossibly fast turnaround times for production, hitting immediate fashion trends in the market before they are gone, and charging low prices to the end consumer, making clothing and accessories feel disposable. These processes typically require over-ordering textiles and creating huge amounts of waste, utilizing harmful chemicals, and paying workers wages below the poverty line within potentially dangerous workplace environments. 

Slow Fashion - Slow Fashion is the antidote to Fast Fashion. Slow fashion prioritizes timeless, trendless styles, high quality, durable materials, worker welfare and safety, and environmental considerations to create a product that takes longer to produce, but causes much less harm in the process. Slow fashion involves slowing down the production timeline so that there is less financial, resource, and time pressure on suppliers, which leaves room for higher quality, more durable, and more responsible product creation. This is a win-win for consumes and supply chain stakeholders, including workers and the environment. 

Circularity - In fashion, circularity refers to the consideration of a product’s impact at all stages of its life cycle, with the end goal of reducing or eliminating waste that comes with making a product. Circularity programs can range from using second-life (such as recycled or repurposed) materials in the product design process, to considering the end-of-life plan for the product (resale, recycling, etc.).   

Global Recycled Standard - The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is a credible third-party certification facilitated by the Textile Exchange that verifies a material comes from pre or post consumer recycled sources. In addition, GRS requires that no harmful chemicals are used in GRS-certified materials, and that high social and environmental standards are in place around the material’s use. 

Higg Index / Sustainable Apparel Coalition - The Higg Index is a measurement assessment facilitated by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition that brands or suppliers can voluntarily opt into to measure their social and environmental performance. This self-awareness and self-measurement is a key step towards improving social and environmental performance, and Margo Paige seeks suppliers that measure against this benchmark. 

SMETA - The Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) is the world’s most widely used social and ethics audit tool for responsible business practices. It’s a common tool for manufacturing partners to ensure they are upholding high standards of worker rights, safety, compensation and benefits, and broader social compliance and welfare. SMETA scoring is a useful tool for brands to evaluate the social performance of a potential supplier.  

B Corp - B Corp is a voluntary business management certification that measures a company’s social and environmental performance. It is a rigorous certification process and offers a level of transparency and verification that businesses that hold the B Corp mark are socially conscious and environmentally responsible. B Corps believe that businesses can be a force for good for the planet for planet and people and profit. 

Value Chain - Similar to a supply chain, a value chain encompasses all of the stakeholders that are affected by a business, such as their manufacturing and factory partners, employees, customers, the natural environment, business advisors, the communities in which they do business in, and more. Considering a brand’s value chain is more comprehensive than just their supply chain, and considers all impacts that the business has.